Leaving that lofty question in the air I bring you down to this waste of marquee space. If you watched the trailer I’m sure you already know the entire plot sans one or two details. You already know Colin Hanks character dies, in what is an emotionally tough loss for the already frazzled Jennifer, played by Diane Lane. I’m sure you know that the killer is caught by his own hubris. I’m also sure you know that her family is somehow threatened, but ultimately o.k. This film is nothing new or even relatively interesting.
Why did we pick this up from Blockbuster then? Well, my wonderful wife got me a Playstation 3 for my birthday. If you are not familiar with these behemoths they are both a gaming system and a Blu-ray DVD player. When we went to the Blockbuster to pick out a movie this was one of the only ones in the meager selection of movies that we hadn’t watched in that format, and I wanted to see what the new system could do. Simply put, it can waste our afternoon with crystal clarity.
To continue, I also have a hatred for internet/computer films. I’m sure all professionals who see films about their professions think this, but they never get it right and end up sounding incredibly stupid.
“Oh no, the criminal hacked the kernel and concatenated hidden bits on the end of each program counter so the instruction cycle would print out to an IO and he would eventually be able to take over the assembly language!”
Guh. The writer of this script must have grabbed the latest copy of Interwebs For Dummies to type up this dialog. The movie going public doesn’t care; they wouldn’t know what you were talking about anyway. The only people that would know what you are talking about will hate you for failing to even get it close. On that note, the film also displayed a distinct hatred for the internet. It tried to make it look like a dark alley where predators stalk any who venture in.
I recommend that you quickly close this browser and shut down your computer. This movie thinks the web will kill you.
2 out of 10 – Thankfully, no one wants to watch this, so I don’t feel obligated to discourage you from watching it.

your latest reviews have left me complacent with nothing to rage about. i come to this site for the controversy, dammit!
I know, but I've watched some pretty mundane movies recently. Nothing to rage about. How can you get fired up about and internet killer thriller. You can't. And I will not watch the movies that came to theatres this week. Kung Fu Panda? You don't mess with the Zohan? Guh... Maybe next week, though that aint looking promising either. Love Guru. Oh my!
I did try to throw a bone though - Nothing on women 40+? no thoughts?
P.S. got any recommendations. I know I'm not on NetFlix, but...
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