After watching the movie however, I said to Jennie, “That was like watching six episodes in one sitting,” I was quite pleased. They begin the movie with the inevitable wedding between Big and Carrie. This was what I expected. Obnoxious, big, outlandishly expensive, in short every thing I hated in Sex in the City in one bird headed mess. Carrie looked horrible in her dress, not just horrible, but silly. The fashion shoot for Vogue looked ridiculous; Sarah J.P. could never be mistaken for attractive. And Big got cold feet, but as the tamer died down and Carrie went on her honeymoon with her three friends the movie also became present to me. They had set up some fantastic storylines for the remainder of the movie and I anticipated their resolutions. Before I get to those I can only say that I felt Charlotte’s storyline was a lackluster. She berthed a child, yeah. That was about it. Though now that I think about it, her yelling at Big and being angry at him felt like a subplot for her. But when you compare it to Steve cheating on Miranda I feel Charlotte got the short end of the drama stick.
Speaking of Miranda and Steve – I loved this story most of all. I hated that they had Steve cheat, but they gave him a good enough reason. I’m not saying he is justified in cheating, but any prolonged time without sex can hinder a relationship. As Samantha said in one of the episodes, “Sex is a barometer for the relationship.” The emotion in that story was well played by both actors. But I think their resolution was what I enjoyed the most. They wrote that with extreme delicacy and treated the violation between Steve and Miranda with very realistic solutions. However, I juxtapose this with Big and Carrie’s resolution. I was not entirely happy with how they treated Big’s “violation” (I secretly feel he had very little blame in the whole thing. I could discuss that more, but only if you are interested). Their resolution seemed like a quick oh-no-we’ve-already-spent-two-hours-on-this fix. He asks her to marry him right after they resolve his violation? If they would have spent half the time on their resolution as they did with Steve and Miranda I might have been happy, but oh well. You can’t always win. Jennie thought that the audience just wanted them together to get it over with. Which sounds sort of right to me.
A few quick notes before I wrap up. I thought that they played Charlotte’s mess herself scene a little too slapstick. I could have done without all the fart noises. I loved the addition of Carrie’s assistant, though she came and went a little too quickly. And I thought Samantha story was well done except they played Smith too nicely. Overall, as a fan of Sex and the City I was pleasantly surprised. We will defiantly be buying this as it seems like a short seventh season, but I can’t recommend it for none fans. I would have no clue what you would think of it.
7 out of 10 – it was exactly what I wanted, another season.

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