Aliens? Aliens. Ok, I know searching for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant is similar to searching for an alien skull in that they are fantastic artifacts. I know. I won’t pretend to argue that. But Jesus didn’t resurrect in front of Indy’s eyes when he drank from the cup. It was never even debated that Jesus himself drank from the cup. It was simply an artifact that someone hid very well in a cave with an invisible bridge so that few could find and retrieve it.
Hmm, invisible bridge – ok, that seems pretty out there too.
Shoot – well, maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on aliens – I mean, Indiana Jones has never really brought stark realism to the screen. Technically, when a man’s heart can be pulled from his chest magically, I think I should be able to make the jump to aliens. But I couldn’t. When the alien came to life and gave Cate Blanchett her wish I left the world of Indy. I know lampooning George Lucas is a popular thing, but he makes it incredibly easy, not to mention necessary. He knew it was a “controversial” decision, "We're all going to get people throwing tomatoes at us. But it's a fun movie to make,” and I guess he wanted to have fun. But I have to say, I don’t fully understand where Lucas get’s his masochistic tendency to destroy his legacy, but he seems to love doing it.
I also won’t stand here and preach the Gospel of the past Indy films. As the Doobie Brothers are with Jesus – Indy is just alright with me. So this didn’t destroy any childhood that I had.
As a Hollywood blockbuster I can say I was entertained. I can’t say I was impressed with all the action scenes, when Blanchett and Hollywood's new hard-on Shia Labeouf sword fought on cars I could see the green screen. In this day and age that is inexcusable. I don’t care if you are trying to be consistent with your previous films. But the journey to the interdimensional alien spaceship was alright. I know this may sound crazy, but I think National Treasure 2 (2007) achieved more and enthralled me in its journey to unknown plunders better. So, I guess go rent that instead of spending ten bucks to see this.
5 out of 10: Indy is still alright with me – though barely.
Oh and I wanted to post this last time but I forgot. This ran in front of Prince Caspian. I have no words, hopefully you do...

Your review of this movie is RIGHT ON. I agree 100%. However, I think it's the kind of movie that you do go ahead and spend a little extra to see it in the theater ONCE, and then never watch it again.
Happy day! another blog reader! Quillen do you have a blog?
and yeah, I have to admit, I had to see this in the theatre. This kind of spectacle isn't made for the small screen.
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