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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eagle vs. Shark (Dvd) - Ashleigh

I had high expectations for this movie. They fell short. Not too short, but short. It was a little slow, a little too awkward, a little too kiwi, a little too Napoleon Dynamite, a little too depressing, but just a little. Jemaine was a dick (from Flight of the Concords), it was hard to root for such a character's happiness, which we were forced to do through Lily, the female lead. Lily was a character who you couldn't help but feel bad for, but her misguided attempts at happiness through Jemaine's character were confusing and frustrating to watch. You wanted Lily to get something, somewhere, somebody, but she wanted Jemaine's character and I just can't get behind that. Not a bad watch, but I wouldn't ever want to see it again.

6 out of 10: funny at parts, but lacking the push to make it great.

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