With this smashing intro you’d think I’d be down on Prono, but I’m not. I enjoyed it just fine. Jennie was unmentionably excited about this film as her new actress crush was staring in it. I’m not sure how Elizabeth Banks came to be held in such high regard by my wife, but she was positively giddy about her role in this.
Porno is a romcom at its core, a Harry Met Sally for the millennials. Zack and Miri have been best friends forever and their catalyst for change is that they find themselves in dire straights financially. After what seems like a minute they decide that the only lifeboat to their troubles is making a pornographic film that their high school friends can purchase. They set about casting it, making sets, and writing the script (who knew erotic films needed a script?). But while filming Zack and Miri fight about who gets to knob who, and how many different times this takes place. It appears they each do not want the other to biblically know anyone else. They mate on camera for their first scene and Zack feels a connection. Jealousy rears its head and the porno falls apart. Zack runs, a friend tells him that Miri felt the same way, he comes back and boom, ending.
It’s a romcom, what did you expect.
The acting is great. I have loved Seth Rogan from my virgin viewing of Freaks and Geeks and have wanted nothing but success for him ever since. Elizabeth Banks pulls off some good emotional scenes in a complicated role. I know comedies are never praised for their acting. I know comedy isn’t an actor’s skill according to Oscar, but I don’t think Angelina Jolie could have taken this role, and Elizabeth Banks is great with both the laughs and the tears. Also, Brandon Routh (superman, if you forgot) plays the straight man to Justin Long in a quick scene at a high school reunion and the couple makes some quality laughs with their portrayal as gay porn actors.
I also applaud the fact that this film didn’t reek of Smith. His directing skills were more subtle this time around. His dialog wasn’t as heavy handed. Smith may be lightening his touch, which I appreciate.
5 out of 10: Prono hit’s the romcom wall with quality acting and heavy petting.

i have to admit that something inside of me (my inner 12 year old) compels me to see this, although I'm not quite sure I'd go in the theatre. I did see Nick and Norah's infinite playlist but I attribute that more to the theatre that serves beer's paltry film selection but I think that also comes with the same sense of guilt and obligation to Michael Cera as I feel for Seth Rogan. As far as Smith is concerned, "Clerks 2" was the ultimate insult at a fanbase whose dwindling numbers I imagine could be counted by the handful. It sort of dissapoints me that all Smith has after about 2 good films and a handful of mediocre to poor ones is by the numbers romantic comedies although his conventionalism is hardly a surprise and seems to be the flavor of the day (ahem, David Wain). Needless to say, this will have to wait for a night on video although it's tough to forsee an evening where i'd be in the mood for something so brainless.
Um...you spelled porno wrong in the title...that's why I like you
Nick and Norah's eh?!
Curse my spelling!
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