George Clooney creates yet another love letter to the golden age of film in this simple story. With slapstick gags, miscommunication with humorous results, and a feisty relationship between to female and male protagonists I half expected this film to be set in black and white with stalk cards providing the dialog. I’m sure some enjoyed it, but to me, Clooney is loosing his charm. I hate to admit that. He seems cocky not confident, pushy not charming, I no longer want what he is selling. Clooney wants to sell me on the idea that a woman is only good if she can make it in a man’s world as a woman with a man’s attitude. He wants me to believe that fooling the police by dressing like a policeman is funny. It isn’t. It isn’t even entertaining really. These jokes don’t work anymore for a reason. We aren’t watching moving pictures for the novelty. Charlie Chaplin don’t cut it in my book. This is what I feel Clooney misunderstands or if he does understand it he wants to lead the charge back to making these things funny. Clooney and Soderbergh make yet another misstep in predicting that Clooney’s charm is limitless and can hold anything together.
4 out of 10: John Krasinski gives a worthwhile performance in this Clooney smarmfest though it isn’t nearly enough to be worth it.

i KNOW you saw "Sarah Marshall." HOP TO IT
sorry to say but I have yet to. I will tonight I believe, but the blog won't happen for a week or so, sorry. I'm swamped with end of the semster program and tests... Soon, four new blogs!! exciting... I guess.
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